Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]

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Version: Japan
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Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]_
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]_
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]_
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]_
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai Portable [Zutto kono mama Pack]_

Item Description

Now that you've become such a good confidant, all the girls in Ore no Imouto are going to share secrets with you. Find out why Kuroneko avoids you, what's between Ayase and Kirino, why did Manami become so bold, see what's in Saori's pile otaku items and why did Kanako pop up. To make your life more chaotic, Kirino is in a fouler temper than usual.As Kousaka Kyosuke, you have to balance your exam schedule, manage the school trip and remember to get presents for everyone. However, when you got back, everyone's acting weird. Make use of the new OIU system to read the body language. This is a new 2D live system that displays the character's minute movements. Characters' gazes soften and their expressions change in a more natural and fluid way.When the girls get angry, things get messy, cut into their speeches through the Tsukkomi system to explain yourself. If you get things right, their affection for you rises. But don't overdo it, sometimes girls don't like being cut off.Your sister isn't always cute. Her being cute is the reward itself.妹以外の人生相談、PSP®でぬるっと始めました。■原作者伏見つかさ先生総監修!ゲームだけの完全オリジナルストーリー伏見先生のアイデアを随所に盛り込んだ、マルチエンディング形式で贈るゲームだけの完全オリジナルストーリー!プレイヤーは兄「高坂京介」となって、妹「高坂桐乃」の"人生相談"を解決するため奮闘する・・・が、今度の"人生相談"は妹だけじゃない!?個性豊か&魅力的なキャラクターたちと織り成す、相談奮闘Liveアドベンチャー!■ゲーム業界初の新技術搭載!「O.I.U.」(俺の妹がこんなに動くわけがない)システムで、桐乃たちが表情豊かにぬるぬる動く!2Dの独特の形状や画風を保ったまま、3Dとは全く異なる方法で「視点移動」や「動き」を表現する映像技術「Live2D」。この新技術「Live2D」をアドベンチャーの会話システムと組み合わせたのが、「O.(俺の)I.(妹がこんなに)U.(動くわけがない)」システム!キャラクターの表情の切り替え時やポーズの切り替えはシームレスで、アニメの様に連続して変化していくリアルでダイナミックな動きを実現し、キャラクターたちに命を吹き込む!■ストーリー高3の修学旅行や夏休みを直前に控えたとある日。これで、受験に向けて勉強に本腰を入れられる!主人公「京介」がそう思っていた矢先、妹「桐乃」からシスカリのゲーム大会に出てとか、修学旅行のお土産をみんなから頼まれたりと・・・さらに、受験とか修学旅行の準備で忙しい相変わらずドタバタした日常。頼まれたお土産を手に、修学旅行から帰ったら、みんなの様子がおかしい。 なぜか京介の事を避ける『黒猫』!? 『桐乃』の事で悩む『あやせ』!? 何時もより積極的な『麻奈実』!? オタクグッツを突然京介に預けてくる『沙織』!? 『加奈子』なんかも出てくるわけだし・・・それで『桐乃』は、“何故か”めちゃくちゃに不機嫌なわけで・・・「はぁ? それこそ、俺の知ったこっちゃねえよ」『京介』は面倒臭がるのだったが、「俺が……絶対になんとかしてやるから」と、一言結局、相談に乗ってしまう。新たな人生相談の奮闘劇が幕を開けるのであった・・・■「ずっとこのまま♪パック」同梱内容1.イラスト特製BOX2.「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない ポータブル」 伏見つかさ先生書き下ろしショートストーリー&ゲーム設定資料集3.PSP®「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない ポータブル」ゲームソフト(UMD/CERO B)

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (5 out of 5)
Total votes: 12

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excellent 2d game
i love this game because its 2d feature and more than 20 different ending for this game. if you like ore imo anime, you will definitely love this game. it gives totally different stories. i watched the anime and read the light novels, i can still not predict the ending of each character
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A must for fans of the anime
For any that wished for the anime to go on, this game is for you.
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Great addition to a great show
As a fan of the series it's nice to have this game as it expands and continues the story after the anime ends.
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Builds Opon the Story
This is a great way to keep the Oreimo story going, and better yet you choose how it plays out!
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It is just worthy.
I assume those who are interested in this game are fans of the novel/anime.

There are at least 20 different endings. And the storyline is original, so you don't need to worry about playing through the whole novel again.
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