Police Story Series [Remastered In 4K]

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

警方在一次圍剿行動中拘捕大毒梟朱滔(楚原飾),並派特警家駒(成龍飾)保護其秘書莎蓮娜(林青霞飾),要她出庭作證人。怎料在上庭前莎蓮娜突然失蹤,令到指控朱滔證據不足,其當庭被釋放。朱滔雖然被釋放, 但卻對家駒懷恨在心,遂設計嫁禍他殺死同僚,令他成為通緝犯。莎蓮娜洞悉朱滔不擇手段的為人,遂偷取其罪證以求自保,但反被追殺;家駒既要逃避警方追捕,又要保護莎及證物的安全以揭發朱滔奸計分身乏術。後更要與朱滔手下激戰....

警察故事 2
重案組便衣警探陳家駒, 雖破奇案並捕獲大毒 梟朱滔歸案, 但上司卻却怪他英雄主義做事, 不守紀律, 被調回軍裝. 豈料, 朱滔以患癌為藉 口, 得假釋外出, 為報私仇, 加害家駒及女友亞 May, 家駒還擊, 却遭上司責難. 怒憤之餘辭職, 並約亞 May 往泰國散心, 一切看􏰀平靜, 在商 場購物之際, 突接獲商場被放置炸彈通知, 現 場警員不知所措之際, 家駒以有小火警為理由, 疏散遊人, 警司趕至正想責備, 商場爆炸大火, 隨後地產公司接到電話勒索, 否則全部地產物 業商場將同樣爆炸, 警方得報茫無頭緒, 驃叔 惟有計騙家駒協助, 但亞 May 却因此和家駒 感情決裂, 由於匪徒知亞 May 乃家駒女友, 故 俘虜亞 May 要脅家駒代收勒索款項, 並於家 駒身上綁了大批炸藥, 今次家駒為公為私誓必 與捍匪拼死決鬥!

特警家駒(成龍 飾)潛入內地監獄當臥底以搏取 軍火走私要犯豹強信任,在公安楊建華(楊紫瓊 飾)的協助下他得與豹強成功逃獄。後他與楊建 華假扮成豹強的同鄉,以矯捷身手得到豹強的 賞識。後與豹強等人到了吉隆坡卻巧遇自己的 女友May(張曼玉 飾),May懷疑他與楊建華有 戀情而發生爭執, 強豹見狀,當場揭穿家駒臥 底的身份,雙方爆發激鬥...... 本片被譽為《警察故事》系列最巔峰之作,當 中的特技場􏰀亦是成龍最滿意的一部。

Police Story1
Considered a Hong Kong classic, Police Story marks Jackie Chan’s initial foray into the big-time, stunt-filled action movies that are now his trademark.Chan plays honest, self-effacing cop Chan Ka-Kui, assigned to protect Selina (Brigitte Lin), whose key testimony could bring down drug baron Chu (Chor Yuen). However, refusing to cooperate with Ka-Kui, the witness evades his protection, leaving Chu with no evidence against him, and is set free. Intent on revenge, Chu wages a vendetta, and frames Ka-Kui for murder. On the run and with time running out, Ka-Kui must quickly find and save Selina from being killed, as well as prove his own innocence.

Police Story 2
The Hong Kong supercop must stop a group of blackmailing bombers at the same time that the villains of Police Story (1985) are out for revenge.

Police Story3
Police Story III is another adrenalin-pumping, action-packed tour de force from Jackie Chan and director Stanley Tong.In this third installment of the action filled series, Chan reprises his role as maverick detective Chan Ka-Kui. Recruited by Interpol to infiltrate the operations of the drug lord Chaibat in Mainland China, Ka-Kui teams up with tough, hard-hitting Interpol director Jessica Yang (Michelle Yeoh). Tasked with gaining the trust of Chaibat’s henchman Panther (Yuen Wah), the pair is forced to use all their wits, courage and skills to survive the most dangerous mission of their careers.Featuring a perfect mix of death-defying stunts, modern style martial arts sequences and a healthy dose of Chan's trademark comedic flair, Police Story III has been hailed as the perfect action comedy flick.

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enter the dragon blu ray
avoid at all costs everyone worst picture and sound quality Ive ever seen on blu ray
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