Romancing Saga Re;univerSe Original Soundtrack Vol.2

Version: Japan
Audio CD
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Product Features

  • 2 Disc Edition

track listing

Disc 1:
1. CIRCUS-運命の兄妹-
2. 怪傑ロビンのテーマ ~この世に悪はさかえない.~ -RS Version- arrange from Romancing Sa・Ga 3
3. ポドールイ -RS Version- arrange from Romancing Sa・Ga 3
4. 怒闘 -RS Version- arrange from 魔界塔士Sa・Ga
5. Entrance-星は集う-
6. 聖王廟 -RS Version- arrange from Romancing Sa・Ga 3
7. 出航 -RS Version- arrange from Romancing Sa・Ga 3
8. 魔王殿 -RS Version- arrange from Romancing Sa・Ga 3
9. ALONE -RS Version- arrange from SaGa Frontier

Disc 2:
1. 女道化師イゴマール
2. 邪悪の聖域
3. 迫る破滅の鼓動
5. オリアクス-世界を穿ち、時を射る者-
6. Shadow of doubt

Item Description

Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe Original Soundtrack Vol.2! This 2-CD set will include songs from the events of the first part of the main scenario of "Romancing SaGa RS" that are not included in the "Romancing SaGa Re;universe Original Soundtrack," as well as songs from the Battle for Igomar, which was the highlight of the 2.5 year anniversary.

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