Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_
Sengoku Basara X [Limited Edition]_

Item Description

Sengoku Basara X is the collaboration between Capcom and Arc System Works. It takes the 3D hack and slash adventure title Sengoku Basara and converted it into a 2D fighter for the arcades. The PS2 game is then a powered up conversion of this 2D fighter with more fighting modes and features.In its arcade predecessor, players pummel their opponents until their health bars depletes completely within a given time. They are allowed to call for support or launch special attacks once certain conditions are fulfilled.The PS2 version comes with a new challenge mode where the player has to clear 12 stages in total in a given amount of time. During your fights, items may appear in treasure boxes, be sure to grab them, as these items may heal your wounds or push back your time limit. Make use of these to defeat difficult bosses.Your fights determine the stylish points you will get and there are a number of ways to obtain high points. For certain fights, a number of gold coins will appear in the air in the form of the words “BAS” grab all these coins without taking damage from your opponents to get a high score. In some circumstances you will be able to obtain titles, the rarer the titles you are awarded with or the more coins you can get, the better (and more stylish) a fighter you are.カプコンと、『ギルティギア』シリーズでその名を轟かすアークシステムワークスがコラボレーションした、話題沸騰の2D対戦格闘ゲーム『戦国BASARA X(クロス)』!アーケードで好評稼動中の本作が、遂にPlayStation®2に登場!シリーズの代名詞とも言えるド派手な技で爽快なコンボを決めて、戦国乱世を駆け抜けよう!キャラクターのプレイスタイルは十人十色。初心者から玄人まで存分に楽しめる。キャラクターはそれぞれ、必殺技・BASARA技・一撃BASARA技を持っており、そのどれもがド派手&豪快の一言。特性を活かした技の数々で、コンボを決めたときの爽快感はたまらない!![援軍システム]それぞれの武将には、援軍と呼ばれる仲間が設定されている。援軍キャラクターを呼ぶことで、戦いを有利に進めることができるのだ。援軍を呼ぶタイミングによって、援軍の行動が変化する。援軍を要請するタイミングを見極め、活用することが勝利の決め手となるぞ!限定版同梱物・・・「戦国バサラ ボイスかるた」

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4 out of 5)
Total votes: 6

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Average 2D Fighter
This title coming from a joint collaboration between Capcom and Arc System Works has the talent seen necessary and understandly expected to end up with the development of an exceptionally good 2D fighter. However, that is not the case with Sengoku Basara X.

Those dipping into the game would naturally expect a solid fighting system, given that it is a 2D fighter, competition between other players is the integral go-to point for the whole game experience. Though, this fighter simply does not represent what makes the 2D fighters of the individual companies involved so great. The combat is extremely lackluster and ultimately unsatisfying. However, for me, this is largely credited from the games accessibility.

Though regardless, this is a slightly worthy addition to any Basara fan's library, or to any casual fighting gamer.
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I love Basara and I love fighting games but this game did absolutely nothing for me. The fighting is wooden and when combat is such an integral part of the game, lacklustre combat really makes the game fall flat.

The extra content that comes with the limited edition isn't that wonderful. It comes with a calendar (2008, so it's out of date now anyway), a CD containing characters' lines from the game, and a pretty box. Nothing really to write home about.

This game is only still on my shelf because I'm one of those hardcore fans that has to own every game for a series I like. The art style for the game is appealing and it provides some entertainment for a while, but ultimately falls short of being anything spectacular.
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Everything's great except...
For once I am disappointed. Somehow they messed up the sounds. It's like listening to a mono record. This is the DVD digital audio era, and yet it sounds like an old Nintendo Famicom game. Is the voice CD supposed to make this one up? Fix this up next time, please?
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This game is banging
If your a fighting game fan and love the faster titles then this game is for you. It has the furious action of a Guilty Gear title, and looks just as good. The balance isn't to bad either, with only a few infinates known right now you don't have to worry about that to much. The cast has a wide range of fighting styles as well so you should be able to find a person for your playing habbits. And you get 2 new chars as well!

The LE bonus content isn't the best however. You get a cd which I have yet to listen to but I would assume if your into game music that would be a cool addition. But the art cards that come with it are suprisingly small. LIke 2 inches in height small -_- I was hopeing for some big buetiful art but it didn't happen. Still theres alot of them there, and the painting style is amazeing so its all good.

The reason for the non perfect score, to little fighters. Yeah there were a decent amount but with the franchise the game is based off of they could have done alot more.
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basara x cross
This is a awsome game based on the basara hero's 2 game.Let me tell you Arc System and Capcom did an awsome job on this game from the high res backrounds to high res character's and the game play is tight , and its Capcom first 2d fighting game in a long time,I consider this the new Samurai Showdown but better S N K u should pay attention.
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