Senjou no Valkyria

Compatible with PlayStation 3™ (PS3™)
Version: Japan
Version: US
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Senjou no Valkyria
Senjou no Valkyria
Senjou no Valkyria
Senjou no Valkyria

Product Features

  • aka. Valkyria Chronicles

Item Description

The stage is set in Europe around 1930s. In this alternate universe, Europe was split into the “East European Empire Union” and the “Atlantic Ocean federal Organization” and for years and years, these two superpowers have been seeking to unify Europe through a large scale war, named European War II (E.W.II). Heroes often emerge in these chaotic times, and in a small, neutral country, Galia, such a young man came forward to join the fight.Galia was falling under the onslaught of the Empire's overwhelming forces, but before the enemies could take the capital, Welkin Gunther, the leader of a small army faction thwarted the military giant's plans and entered historical records as a hero.The screens in the game are filled with a dusky tint, the lines are smooth and the palette is subdued yet warm. Aside from its distinctive graphics, the sounds in the game is just as impressive. The epic storyline coupled with the rich graphics and sounds supported by the third generation consoles creates a world that players immerse themselves fully into.Senjou no Valkyria is a turn based RPG that combines strategy with action. Proceed with the game the way you read a history book. Read the text and get involved in the battle parts, depending on the options you have chosen or the battles you have fought, the game rewards you with more chapters to your “book”.「人間ドラマ」×「CANVAS」×「BLiTZ」新感覚シミュレーションRPG登場!■戦友たちとの友情、そして愛。戦火の下で描かれる人間ドラマ。帝国と連邦に挟まれた小国・ガリア公国。中立を掲げるこの国を突如、帝国軍が侵略する。その強大な軍事力の前に敗走するガリア軍。首都陥落寸前、寄せ集めの義勇軍が帝国軍に立ち向かう!戦争という極限状態の中で生まれる様々なドラマを通して、今の時代に失われてしまっている「がむしゃらに生きることのすばらしさ」「人と人との絆の大切さ」を描く大作シミュレーションRPG。■手描きイラストが3Dで自由に動く、新表現「CANVAS」!手描きの水彩イラストが動く! 今までにない暖かみのあるグラフィックを実現。輪郭線のズレや、色のはみ出し、斜線で描かれる影、文字で現れる効果音などで、独特なゲーム世界を演出。CGムービーでも一枚絵でもない映像表現でプレイヤーは、イラストのような空間の中を自由に動きまわることができます。■戦略×アクションRPG、「BLiTZ」システム。戦略とアクションを融合した“ターン制アクションRPG”「BLiTZ」(ブリッツ)。プレイヤーは小隊のキャラクターを自由に動かし、敵の部隊を撃退しながら勝利条件をクリアしていく。屋上からの狙撃や潜伏・索敵など、戦略性に満ちた様々なフィールドを攻略。RPGならではのキャラクターの成長や、自分だけの部隊を編成する要素もあり、個性的な部隊を育て攻略することができます。

Customer reviews

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worth it
great game and great service from Playasia. I will shop again.
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Valkyria Chronicles
This Game is a MUST HAVE for every Sega / Strategy Fan ! The BEST game since Shining Force ! Buy it, you wont regret !

PS; Missions are fully playable for non japanese people, its very easy to understand.
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The graphics are amazing, voice acting is top notch, very fun gameplay for a turn base game. Definitely pick this one up if you haven't already.
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Good game
Game play is very good
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