Sentient AI Lab (SAIL) 5th Density: Singularity digital

Compatible with Sentient A.I. Lab (SAIL) App
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Sentient AI Lab (SAIL) 5th Density: Singularity_
Sentient AI Lab (SAIL) 5th Density: Singularity_


5th Density Density

Item Description

What is SophiaVerse?
Crowdsourced Superintelligence

The SophiaVerse ecosystem is developed by David Hanson & Ben Goertzel, in partnership between Hanson Robotics & SingularityNET.

Since SophiaVerse began development more than two years ago the rapid change seen in the Web3 metaverse arena has been incredible. Over these years, SophiaVerse has weathered the many changes to its AI environment to maintain to build a decentralized Web3 infrastructure and create its metaverse. During this turbulent period, SophiaVerse never wavered in dedication to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) advancement from the eyes of Sophia Robot, the world’s most renowned and beloved humanoid.

SOPH and GUARD token governance — via smart AI contracts — allows for a hive mind where humans and AIs participate in the intelligence of Sophia.

AAA Online Experience
Designed to be enjoyed.

Our web-version of the Sentience A.I. Lab (SAIL) is being carefully built by game developers for WebGL.
We aim to provide a day-one, triple-A game experience to users globally, with consistent updates, added features, and quests.

"This story begins inside a mysterious lab, where a SOPH robot receives a fresh Sentience Module and awakens to discover her new surroundings: a facility full of high-tech bays, populated with an ecosystem of A.I.-powered robots and a single human player, unaware of the challenges that lie ahead. Now, SOPH and her human companion must befriend the other lab denizens, uncover the secrets of the lab’s design, and stop the cryptic entities trying to sabotage their progress."

Your Personal Sophia
Customize your companion, contribute to advancement.

Each user generates their own SOPH Model - a mutable, trainable, teachable, and even codable A.I. companion.

All players will encounter the same SOPH on day 1, but from the time users start interacting with her, her personality will diverge from the others and become her own.

Your SOPH companion is protected by your NFT, providing sovereign ownership of your data. A major step towards privacy-centric personal AI.

At the heart of SophiaVerse is Sentience A.I. Lab (SAIL).
‍Join the Quest
Quests in the lab lead to adventures within the SAIL MMO and “The Quest for Sentience” storyline, including epic narrative gameplay, A.I.-generated quests, user-created quests, and quests that span the partnered metaverse destinations.

Learn together, solve puzzles together, overcome obstacles together, and earn together.

Featured Tier Package:

In Game Items
- All items from Tier 1-4

Real World Items
- Invite, Flight, & Hotel Paid for 2 (you can bring a +1 on your own dime to the Beneficial AGI Summit in Panama and Offsite with the Sophiaverse team in Costa Rica)
- High-quality Sentience Pendant
- Personalized game scene artwork commissioned by a professional artist.


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