Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka [Limited Edition]

Compatible with Dreamcast™ (DC™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00
Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka [Limited Edition]_
Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka [Limited Edition]_
Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka [Limited Edition]_
Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka [Limited Edition]_

Product Features

  • This is a used item. If not otherwise mentioned below, spine card is included for titles that originally came with spine cards.

Item Description

Do you demand a game with a deep story, fast paced action and the most detailed free roam feature yet?. Then look no further than shenmue. You begin the game as 18 year old high-school student Ryo Hazuki, and his father is struck down by a mysterious Chinese martial artist named Lan Di. Ryo's Father dies in his arms, and set out for revenge ryo is out into the world. The player can get a job, go to the arcade, phone and speak to friends, practice his martial arts, go to the store and buy collectables and much much more in this 3rd person F.R.E.E game (Full reactive eyes entertainment).

Customer reviews

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Master piece.
I already have the American version of this game, but i always wanted the Japanese version, now thanx to PlayAsia i got it!
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Dreamcasts Greatest Game, no wait, the WORLDS greatest game ever.
Shenmue was a game long in development for the saturn, revealed to the world was a video, a tech video, if you look on youtube, you will see how shenmue was on the saturn, and how it is now on the dreamcast, obviously due to saturns declining sales and popularity, Sega shifted development to a new machine, their very own revolutionary Dreamcast.

What did this mean for Shenmue? well, for one Sega AM2, under the guidance of Yu Suzuki, set on their path of upgrading the incredible looking saturn version into a jaw dropping at the time Dreamcast version, well and truely, Shenmue beats almost everything on PS2, and is near Xbox like in graphics, well xbox one, if you ever played shenmue 2 and switched to the dreamcast version you will see the xbox version is a smoother, better looking and stable version of an already stable game

If you have to play one game in your life, no wait your existance, then this is it, grab a dreamcast, get a boot cd if yours isnt NTSC/J and get this game, it quite simply is the first chapter in the shenmue saga

i will not go into detail about the story, as i am sure long time shenmue fans will laugh at my knowledge, but simply

Ryo Hazuki arrives at the Dojo one day, to find a man by the name of Lan-Di conversing with his father, asking where the \"mirror\" is, lots of stuff happens, and Iwao Hazuki, aka Ryos dad is murdered by Lan-Di who then, well knocks Ryo out, upon Awakening finds that his father his dead, and his murders gone.

This sets up the simple premise of finding out who did what to your father, finding out about the mirrors, your history etc

The game is very interactive and free roaming, you can talk with anyone, play arcade games, get a job!, their is also a time function meaning ryo automatically goes to bed at a set time.

anyway yeah, this game is great, pre owned is cool too right? the difference between pre owned and new to me is, pre owned is what someones opened, played a lil, may have a lil damage but if it works fine, great, new is something you have opened, genually more expensive
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Uneaqualed! Best game ever!
I can only agree to the other reviewers. This is the best game ever created.

This should not be looked upon as a game. It\'s an unbelievabely beautiful work of art. Shows how beautiful, touching and electrifying video games can get
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Absolutely Monumental
Shenmue 1&2 is the finest interactive experience I have ever played. I know how certain statments sound somewhat improbable. In fact you probably heard that beofre. However, what I can guarantee you is that if you never played Shenmue 1&2, you have no idea what level of immersion videogames can reach.
Try it to believe it!
7stars...Absolutely beyond.
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The most immersing game ever, I literally lost weeks of my life playing this, it was like a second life for me. Never before or since (excluding the sequel) have I found myself so taken aback by a video game. If ever there was a game you MUST own, this is it.
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