Sonic The Hedgehog

Compatible with PlayStation 3™ (PS3™)
Version: Japan
Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features.
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Sonic The Hedgehog_
Sonic The Hedgehog_
Sonic The Hedgehog_
Sonic The Hedgehog_
Sonic The Hedgehog_

Product Features

  • 15 years in the making. After his 1991 debut, universal video game icon Sonic returns to his high-velocity roots to create a new dimension of entertainment.
  • Speed Redefined. Utilizing next-gen technologies, light bloom, and environmental motion-blur effects, Sonic's breakneck speed and dazzling world come to life.
  • Amigos and enemies. Sonic is joined by friends and foes from the franchise history, as well as a new character, Silver, whose supernatural powers will wreak mayhem on Sonic's plans!
  • Realistic World. Using a next-generation physics engine, Sonic's moves, attacks and environment interaction respond realistically to opposing forces. The dynamic environments have been specifically created to promote Sonic's sense of speed while delivering a great sense of scale.
  • Two different types of stages. Town stages where Sonic will be able explore vast environments and play various sub-missions, and Action stages where Sonic's blistering speed will be utilized in full effect.
  • Multiplayer Mode. Up to two players can play as Sonic and his amigos in high-spirited multiplayer fun!

Item Description

When video game icon Sonic The Hedgehog debuted on the SEGA Genesis in 1991, he shook up the action-platform genre with his signature speed and rebellious attitude. More than 44 million units later, Sonic celebrates his 15th anniversary and blazes his way onto the next generation consoles for an epic adventure designed to deliver the most intense sensation of speed experienced to date.The game is set in Soleanna, the beautiful city of water. In his first adventure set in the human world, Sonic meets a beautiful princess named Elise, whom he quickly befriends, but Princess Elise is abducted by none other than the calculating Dr. Eggman who is working under dark and sinister motives,to destroy this special kingdom of hers. In order to restore safety and serenity, Sonic must maneuver his way through a series of adventures and challenges where he will encounter and interact with a bevy of allies and enemies, and ultimately go head to head against the menacing doctor to thwart his malicious plans. Along the way, Sonic encounters a mysterious character named Silver. Blocking him with unique supernatural powers, even the Blue dude with 'tude will find it difficult to out-maneuver the enigmatic Silver! As Sonic speeds through the huge kingdom, the mysteries unravel.Sonic The Hedgehog melds top-tier animation production values with next generation art, physics and game design to create the most intense, high velocity Sonic adventure yet! Featuring interactive 3D environments, a large cast of new and returning characters, and a blistering sense of speed, get ready for the reinvention of Sonic The Hedgehog!

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Never EVER buy this game, it might cause brain-damages!
Well I am a Sonic-fan from the very beginning on and have played every single game at least once. So I know what I am talking about if I say: This game is the worst Sonic game in history! Hell, I even found \"Shadow The Hedgehog\" and \"Sonic Heroes\" somewhat enjoyable, but this game is around 100.000.000 times worse than both of \'em. And it\'s not only the worst Sonic-game I\'ve ever played ... it\'s the worst game at all!

I don\'t try to bash this game, but as hard as I try ... there isn\'t anything good to say about this piece of...

First and very important: The game is so incredible ... not fast!!! This absolutely no way for a Sonic-game to be!

I for myself found it very annoying, to be forced to play with a lot of even slower characters, who feel very unneeded and plugged on in the last second of development. Besides that, their gameplay feels like it was rushed in 25 minutes, only 20% completed but then put in the game anyway.

The controls are feeling like xxx, worse than any over game. It\'s sensitive but totally imprecise at the same time.

The camera is worse than in any other Sonic-game (I thought, that wasn\'t possible, but it was, as this game proofs). It will flip around and make random movements by itself for no reason many times.

The physics are good as long as you just look at ‘em, but collisions are a brand new, unknown level of bad and the physics-engine is heavily overused and not reliable at all, so the game suffers from it a lot.

The graphics are good compared to the last-gen Sonic-games but there\'re worlds between the graphics of this game and what a next-gen console is able to do. Hell, the graphics are way worse than the ones of \"Sonic And The Secret Rings\" and that one is for Wii!!!

The loading times are unmatched at all. As I heard that first I thought to myself \"nah, I don\'t care about loading times, so that\'s nothing serious!\" ... ohh how wrong I was. We don\'t talk about normal loadingtimes here! It goes something like this:

- We start with a nice loadingscreen
- A cutscene tells you, that a boss is approaching
- Again, a loadingscreen
- The name of the boss is shown, and he screams (about 3 seconds, that’s it)
- AGAIN, a Loadingscreen
- Finally, you can play (although, you sure agree, that\'s nothing good in this game ;p )
- Another loadingscreen
- The boss is defeated and disappears (about 3 seconds again)
- A loadingscreen
- Results and scores are shown
- You guessed it: A loadingscreen ;)
- A cutsceen tells, that the characters are leaving the place
- And we end up with another nice loadingscreen

Each of this loadingtimes will waste around 20 seconds of your life, so you actually will spend around 5 min watching the loadingscreens to play around for 2 mins. And, very important too: There are loadingtimes inside of the stages! I don\'t mean between 2 different stages but between 2 parts of the same stage, thus killing every bit of speed and action, which might\'ve come up, for good.

(Sorry, I\'m not finished yet!)

One of the biggest flaws about this game:
I\'ve never played anything that feels so unfinished and so broken up at all.
The entire game is so buggy and full of errors that you won\'t believe it, until you\'ve played it yourself. It\'s horrible how many times I just fell through the ground for absolutely no reason or prescripted passages (where you can\'t control Sonic at all, i.e. if you go through a loop) had led me straight into death.

And even if all these flaws were fixed, the game would still be the worst sonic game ever because this game already went totally wrong in the planning-phase of development.

The game isn\'t fun at all! It entirely feels more like watching a bad and boring movie than actually playing a game. The game exists of almost nothing else but loops, where Sonic runs on his own and cliffs, where sonic is tossed around by bumpers and stuff, and you can\'t do anything but just watch. Every time you dare to try to take control and actually play and explore the game, it will punish you with no reaction or, even worse, will kill Sonic for no reason.

Last but not least, the few good elements from previous games are in this one too, but they are totally ruined through bad scripting and code. Even the basic things like homing-attack or just jumping are totally screwed up. Bad things however are also in this game, stayed the same, just with the little addition, that the script now isn\'t just bad, but it\'s unfinished too.

Every single second I played this game I had to ask myself: \"How ... How is it possible to mess up a game so bad on so many levels? I couldn\'t have it done worse, no matter how hard I would’ve tried\"

So seriously, take this advice form a die hard Sonic-fan:
Safe yourself a lot of frustration and NEVER EVER by this game!
It could be the greatest mistake of your life ...

I would score this as 0 out of 5, but unfortunately that’s not possible. I think it would be a good idea to make that possible, just to rate this game accurate, because 1 out of 5 is still way too good!
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