Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
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Product Languages

Language  Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), English

Item Description

十三歲那年,七月與安生展開了她們的青春序幕。從踏 入中學校門的一刻起,二人形影不離;儘管背景性格各 異,一個恬靜如水,一個叛逆灑脫,卻又一見如故成為 莫逆,彼此分享著最重要的青春成長印記。她們以為會 永遠陪伴在彼此的生命裡,直到十八歲,她們遇見了男 生蘇家明,三人糾纏在隱秘的三角關係中。感情的角力 令二人友情受到考驗,漸漸越行越遠,改寫各自往後十 多年的命運。她們即使彼此關愛,彼此欣賞,同時亦互 相折磨,互相傷害。然後,她們終於明白永遠不可以成 為對方的影子,只能勇敢地做自己。

Based on the novella by the writer formerly known as Annie Baby (now named Qing Shan), Soul Mate traces the relationship between two best friends (Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun) and the eventual collapse of their friendship when a boy comes between them. Anchored by two of the most promising young actresses of their generation, Soul Mate is an evocative drama that dissects young love with style and verve.


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