Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English
Subtitles  English, Chinese (Traditional)

Item Description

湯美蒂登和兒å­å¥§æ–¯ç”¸åœ¨ç¾Žåœ‹ç¶“營一個家庭å¼æ®®æˆ¿åŠç«è‘¬å ´ï¼Œé‡ä¸Šç•¶åœ°è­¦å±€çš„緊急è¦æ±‚,希望他們為一具稱為「無åæ° (Jane Doe)ã€çš„女å±è§£å‰–化驗,「無åæ°ã€æ˜¯åœ¨å…‡æ¡ˆç¾å ´çš„地牢內被發ç¾ã€‚雖然這次驗å±éƒ½æ˜¯ä¾‹è¡Œå…¬äº‹ï¼Œä¸éŽå·¥ä½œè¶Šæ·±å…¥ï¼Œçˆ¶å­æª”é‡åˆ°æ›´å¤šä¸å¯æ€è­°çš„事情 - 「無åæ°ã€è¡¨é¢ä¸Šå®Œå¥½ç„¡ç¼ºï¼Œä½†å…§éƒ¨å»åƒé£½å—折磨而支離破碎,就在他們解開謎團時,ç«è‘¬å ´è¢«ä¸€è‚¡ç¥žç§˜å‹¢åŠ›ç± ç½©ï¼ŒåŒæ™‚室外風雲變色,究竟有什麼等待ç€é€™å°çˆ¶å­â€¦

Experienced coroner Tommy Tilden and his grown-up son Austin run a family-owned morgue and crematorium in Virginia. When the local Sheriff brings in an emergency case - an unknown female corpse nicknamed 'Jane Doe', found in the basement of a home where a multiple homicide took place - it seems like just another open-and-shut case. But as the autopsy proceeds, these seasoned professionals are left reeling as each layer of their inspection brings frightening new revelations. Perfectly preserved on the outside, Jane Doe's insides have been scarred, charred and dismembered - seemingly the victim of a horrific yet mysterious ritualistic torture. As Tommy and Austin begin to piece together these gruesome discoveries, an unnatural force takes hold of the crematorium. While a violent storm rages above the ground, it seems the real horrors lie on the inside?


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