The Confidence Man JP: Episode of the Hero

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Japanese
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Item Description

狂掃70+億日元票房燒腦系列《信用欺詐師JP》,玩轉香港及馬來西亞後今次衝出亞洲,神級佈局強勢進攻歐洲!被稱作「英雄」的欺詐師「第三代槌之子」去世,欺詐三人組達子(長澤正美 飾)、少爺仔(東出昌大 飾)和理查德(小日向文世 飾)為了爭奪「英雄」之稱號,在地中海設下史上最大騙局!為了要將價值20億的夢幻秘寶—古希臘雕塑「舞動維納斯」騙到手,原本合作無間的同門三巨頭到底會否因此反目?正當大魚看似準備上釣時,一直監視他們的國際刑警卻在背後佈下天羅地網…

The “Third GenerationTsuchinoko” -- the master con man hailed as a “hero” has died.Dako,Boku-chanand Richard all honed their skills under his tutelage. The title of "Tsuchinoko" is handed down in secrecy to the Confidence Man (scammer) with the greatest skill, setting the stage for a showdown between his three star pupils.The contest will take place in the world heritage city of Valletta, Malta, an international gathering place for the rich and famous. Their target is the invaluable ancient Greek sculpture “Dancing Venus”, currently owned by a wealthy, retired Spanish gangster. Each scammer adopts a unique strategy in pursuit of the target, but the police and Interpol are also hot on their heels.

Who will laugh last?!

No one knows how the biggest scam in history will end!

Who is the true "hero" and what is the ultimate "truth"?

The last con game, grand finale, Battle Royale...begins now!


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