The House That Never Dies II

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English

Item Description

《京城81號2》取材自東方四大鬼宅之 首的朝內81號地宮真實故事。 民國末期,正逢亂世,京城軍閥嘩變, 少帥張騭生(張智霖 飾)被逼迎娶大軍 閥之女紀金翠(鍾欣潼 飾),隨即府內 怪事叢生,人心惶惶。不久後京城湧現 大批“屍嬰案”,一切矛頭指向少帥原配 夫人鈕夢鶴(梅婷 飾),隨後鈕夢鶴離 奇失蹤,一夜之間京城81號慘遭滅門, 留下一座破敗鬼宅。 百年後,文物修復師宋騰在修復古宅過 程中挖出大量嬰兒屍骨與詭異符咒,一 樁樁血淋淋的舊事 乎要將所有人拉進 深淵,前世今生的恩怨情仇都一一浮 現,而地宮冤魂鬼門索命的故事也就此 拉開......

Following the great success and impact of The House That Never Dies Ⅰ, the sequel focuses once again on events at the dilapidated and allegedly haunted real-life mansion located at the Beijing address 81 Chaoyangmennei Street, one of the most famous "haunted" houses in China.


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