Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles  Chinese, English
The Monkey King 2_
The Monkey King 2_
The Monkey King 2_

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

妖魔橫行,肆無忌憚,正道之士人心惶惶,但唐僧 (馮紹峰飾) 卻無 懼生死危險,決意帶領三位徒弟孫悟空 (郭富城飾)、豬八戒 (小瀋陽飾) 及沙僧 (羅仲謙飾) ,犯險前往取西經,普渡眾生。途經西域小國,國王 (費翔飾) 對四人不懷好意,加上性感美艷兼法力高強的白骨精 (鞏俐飾) 一直對唐僧虎視眈眈,為嚐唐僧肉她先後化身多個身份設下圏套欲捉拿囊 中物,可惜三番四次被孫悟空識穿破壞,令她對孫悟空恨之入骨,設計令 唐僧誤會孫悟空濫殺無辜,一怒之下把他趕走。孫悟空深深不忿,唯受觀 音 (陳慧琳飾) 點化,回頭與白骨精誓不兩立。白骨精趁孫悟空被逐出師 門,即出招把唐僧擄走。孫悟空得知師父被擄生命危在旦夕即趕往營救, 與妖術高超的白骨精展開連場激戰…

The story of the Monkey King is a classic of Chinese folklore and part of Wu Cheng'en's novel Journey to the West. It actually centers on the story of the pious monk Xuanzang, who accidentally releases him from his prison in the Mountain of Five Elements where Buddha put him for his delinquency. From there on, Sun Wukong (that's the Monkey King's name) is forced to help said monk on his pilgrimage to India to obtain a holy sutra. Aided by the pig demon Zhu Bajie and the sand demon Sha Wujing, they have to protect their master from demons who are after the holy man's hide.

This sequel focuses on one such attack from the White Bone Demon, played by the wonderful Gong Li, who wants to renew her soon-to-expire demonhood by eating Xuanzang's flesh. And because he is an abstinent monk and she is Gong Li, she's trying to tempt that flesh and manipulate him into alienating his friends and giving up his vows (see Chapter 27 of the original text called “Three Attacks on the White Bone Demon”, which is also the film’s Chinese title and NOT the title of an adult movie).

Soi Cheang Pou-Soi returns as director after filming his epic martial arts festival SPL II in between the two Monkey Kings. Instead of Donnie Yen, Aaron Kwok portrays the Monkey King this time around and good old Sammo Hung did the fight choreography. Calling in the year of the monkey, this movie was one of the three big hits of the holiday season together with Stephen Chow's Mermaid and From Vegas to Macau III with its all-star cast of Andy Lau and Chow Yun-Fat. 

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