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Product Languages

Language  English
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), English

track listing

大衛米曹證明了自己是當代最不妥協的導演 – 昆頓塔倫天奴

在不久的將來,西方國家經濟崩陷,擁有豐富天然資源的澳洲成為了人類求存的最後容身之所,同時把最絕望也最危險的人帶到這片「最後樂土」。社會制 度與法紀廕然無存,人命賤如草芥,憤世嫉俗的Eric(佳皮雅斯 飾)一無所有。而當他賴以求存的車子被一班沙漠強盜偷走後,他走遍危機四伏的荒漠地帶也勢要找出強盜,奪回他唯一擁有的東西。途中遇上其中一個強盜的弟弟 Rey(羅拔柏迪臣 飾),Rey在最近一次的搶劫中身受重傷,被哥哥及其他同黨遺下,Eric知道Rey是他找回失車的唯一線索,因此救了他一命,並一起同行闖蕩。兩個道不 同的人建立起最不可能的友誼,在荒漠與死亡的邊緣尋找生存的一線希望。

Ten years after a collapse of the western economic system, Australia’s mineral resources have drawn the desperate and dangerous to its shores. With society in decline, the rule of law has disintegrated and life is cheap. Eric (GUY PEARCE) is a cold and angry drifter who has left everything and everyone behind. When his car – his last possession - is stolen by a gang of desperate desert hustlers, Eric embarks on a ruthless mission to track them down. Along the way, he is forced into an unlikely relationship with Rey (ROBERT PATTINSON), the naïve and injured younger brother of gang member Henry (SCOOT McNAIRY) who has left Rey behind in the bloody aftermath of the gang's most recent robbery.

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