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Product Languages

Language  Norwegian
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), English
The Wave_

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

資深地質學家基斯頓與同事發現地層出現不尋常的波動,經過精密推算,基斯頓發現最害怕­的惡夢即將成真,因為連鎖反應即將引發無從避免的第二次巨浪衝擊﹗ 當海嘯警報聲再次刺­耳地響起時,全城只剩下十分鐘黃金逃生時間﹗80尺的無情巨浪襲向這個海灣,基斯頓必­須與時間競賽,拚盡全力拯救居民,以及保護摯 愛家人…

Nestled in Norway's Sunnmøre region, Geiranger is one of the most spectacular tourist draws on the planet. With the mountain Åkerneset overlooking the village - and constantly threatening to collapse into the fjord - it is also a place where cataclysm could strike at any moment. After putting in several years at Geiranger's warning center, geologist Kristian is moving on to a prestigious gig with an oil company. But the very day he's about to drive his family to their new life in the city, Kristian senses something isn't right. The substrata are shifting. No one wants to believe that this could be the big one, especially with tourist season at its peak, but when that mountain begins to crumble, every soul in Geiranger has ten minutes to get to high ground before a tsunami hits, consuming everything in its path.

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