The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

明朝末年,朝政腐敗,奸臣當道,外族後金乘機崛起,戰爭一觸即發。在西北邊境,饑荒連綿,魔教妖女玉羅刹為救災民,與拘殺災民的官兵廝殺,卻被嫁禍 殺害總督卓仲廉,玉及魔教變成通緝目標。名門武當派紫陽道長推舉弟子卓一航為新任掌門,並帶紅丸進貢聖上。皇帝吃後一命嗚呼,朝廷錦衣衛全力捉拿卓一航。

卓一次偶然救助饑民時見識玉狠辣的手段,兩人不打不相識。卓跟玉回到明月寨,被稱之為「魔窟」的地方原是世外桃源,卓見識玉的處事魅力及俠 義精神,兩人墜入愛河。錦衣衛攻入明月寨捉拿卓一航,同時揭發玉羅刹乃殺害卓仲廉—即卓一航爺爺之兇手,卓心痛離開。他繼而脫離武當,投靠奸黨,娶奸臣之 女。玉大鬧新房,執劍向卓心臟刺去......更一夜白髮......

In the twilight of the Ming Dynasty, the Imperial court is plagued by corruption as tyrants rule over the land. Widespread famine is rapidly claiming lives near the northwest border, to save them, sorceress Jade Raksha fights the soldiers that oppress people for their own gain. As payback, local government officials decide to pin the murder of Governor Zhuo Zhonglian on Jade, turning her and the members of her cult into wanted fugitives for a crime they didn't commit.

Meanwhile, Wudang sect's Master Ziyang intends to nominate disciple Zhuo Yihang to become the next sect leader, sending him to the capital to present the Red Bolus to the Emperor. However, the Emperor dies after consuming it; the Imperial Guards are quickly dispatched to capture Yihang.

Yihang flees; while helping the famine victims, he witnesses Jade Raksha's prowess and ferocity in battle. Jade brings Yihang to Moonlight Village, which dubbed to be "The Demon's Cave" by government officials, is actually a paradise on Earth. There, Yihang is immediately attracted to Jade's transcendent beauty and her strong sense of honour. The two soon fall in love. However, the Imperial Guards invade Moonlight Village and capture Yihang, who is told that Jade is responsible for the death of his grandfather. Heartbroken and betrayed, Yihang is arrested and put into jail. He chooses to leave Wudang and marry a tyrant's daughter. Upon hearing the news, Jade breaks into the wedding and stabs Yihang in the heart. Jade's pain causes her hair to transform from black to blinding white in just one night...


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Great action sequence and choreography
This movie is great for its genre. Fan Bingbing did well and illustrated why she is one of the top Chinese actresses currently.
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