V For Vendetta (10th Anni.) (Steelbook)

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Thai, Turkish
Subtitles  English, Thai, Korean, Chinese, Bahasa, Portuguese

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

這個臉有疤傷,常戴著面具的男人是誰?是英雄?還是狂人?是民族解放者?還是受壓迫者?誰是V?又有誰會與他並肩作戰對抗極權,拯救被受壓的人民?由 <22世紀殺人網絡>原創組合華高斯基兄弟傾力泡製,一部對未來不肯妥協,改編自顛覆漫畫小說的科幻片。艾菲(妮妲莉寶雯 飾)被V所救,由一個普通女工頓變成革命份子。而V(曉高韋榮 飾)不但充滿魅力及博學多材,而且武藝高強。為了解放千萬人民,決心推翻貪污政府,發起了驚天動地的革命。另外,在V未發動亂前,嚴正的大偵探(史提芬里 亞 飾)誓要將他逮捕。在V的世界裡,只有正邪之分,絕不會有灰色地帶。為正義和自由之戰一觸即發。

- 預告片
- 製作特輯
- 未來世界的設計、製作特輯、英倫潮流

Who is the man who hides his scarred face behind a mask? Hero or madman? Liberator or oppressor? Who is V - and who will join him in his daring plot to destroy the totalitarian regime that dominates his nation?
From the creators of The Matrix trilogy comes V for Vendetta, and arresting and uncompromising vision of the future based on the powerfully subversive graphic novel. Natalie Portman stars as Evey, a working-class girl who must determine if her hero has become the very menace he's fighting against. Hugo Weaving plays V - a bold, charismatic freedom fighter driven to exact revenge on those who disfigured him. And Stephen Rea portrays the detective leading a desperate quest to capture V before he ignites a revolution. The stakes rise. The tension electrifies. The action explodes. Whose side are you on? In V's world, there is no middle ground.

Special Feature :
- Theatrical Trailer
- Making-of

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