Violet Cycle STEAM digital

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Violet Cycle_

Product Features

  • Distinctive retina-searing aesthetics
  • Combat-rich with intense sensory feedback
  • Powerful array of weaponry and versatile headrigs
  • Procedurally-generated destructible environments and enemies
  • An audio-visual experience produced by simple logic operations, performed by pieces of silicon and copper. Quite a miracle by itself really

Item Description

Violet Cycle is a kinetic arcade action game. Embrace your rage as you slice through metal and wire, dispense silicon-shattering kicks, and discover the beautiful order that lies hidden inside the dance of chaos. There's also quite a bit of dashing.

Something terrible has happened to life itself in your pitiful corner of the universe and the only way forward is the way out. Set the last remaining Tower Garden on its way by climbing to the peak.

Save the precious seeds of life found along the way. Do not fall to despair!

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