Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
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Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Item Description

萬年前,八個天神因爭鬥不息, 不懂團結被貶入凡間,有朝一日他們互相理解,和諧相處才能重返天庭。 萬年後,港女鍾曉明與鬼馬老爸阿B被莫名追債,無奈從香港逃到廣州找不靠譜的媽媽嘉嘉瞭解內情。原來她騙人定金要辦不可能實現的演唱會,因無法兌現, 被老闆周董列入黑名單。父女二人落跑之際,機緣邂逅各色“時尚達人",展開一段驚天地、“氣"鬼神,笑料百出的都市奇緣。 演唱會雖如期舉行却不料再生意外,曉明等七人發現自己是天神變身,但一直不明白第八位天神爲什麽始終沒有出現,而不期而至的愛情又再次打亂了剛剛建起的所有平衡。人與神,男與女, 生與死,愛與恨…… 2011過去了,當期待這個世界萬象和平的黎明時分,只有祝福愛你的和你愛的人——東成西就!

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4.5 out of 5)
Total votes: 4

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Great and fun movie!
At first I thought the plot was too similar to the first one, but I was glad to say I enjoyed it even more! Highly recommended!
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Funny Andy Lau movie
Anyone who say Andy Lau cannot act in comedies should watch this movie. On Blu-ray, this movie looks great on screen. A must-see for Andy's fan!
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An Average Alls Well Ends Well
The 2010 Alls Well Ends Well, if it were to compare with the previous 92,97,2009 version, this 2010 pales in comparison. But never discount it as this movie still pulls off some really hilarious moments. A good family get together movie.
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So fuuny
All's Well End's Well Too 2010 is not exactly the sequel of All's Well End's Well 2009, just some old cast members with new storyline. All characters got involved with the other and made everything complicated and funny. Personally I prefer AWEW2010 to AWEW2009
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